About Me
Photographer, Beekeeper, Horticulturist, and Pollinator Advocate.
I have always had a passion for animals and all things nature, with a long history of working with animals of all shapes and sizes. After graduating college with my degree in biology, I realized life in a lab was not for me. I craved being back outside, hands on with the creatures I loved. In came bees!
Now as a beekeeper and horticulturist, I've found that bees and the flowers they depend on are the perfect catalyst for conversations about sustainability. The things that help our insects help all of us. Getting back to our roots in the soil is where we need to start. It can be hard to not be discouraged in this world of constant bad news, but there is still so much we can do to turn this planet around... starting in our own backyards.
I strive to tell the stories of the often overlooked creatures and the lessons that we can learn from them, through eye catching photos and relatable content. I want you to get to know the smaller side of nature with me and become as excited about insect conservation as I am!